30 October 2011

I'm still hurting. It's been three or four days since I met with the personal trainer. I completely skipped my workout yesterday. Well, technically, I declared it my weekly day of rest. But really, I could hardly move. My calf is aching. Today, I'm limping a little still. It loosened up during the day and I forced myself to go to the gym. I only did 30 minutes on the elliptical, though, because I did not want to push myself. And I'm glad I went to the gym. The elliptical felt good. So long as I kept a good pace, I didn't even notice any discomfort in my calf.

Tomorrow is the last day of the month, which means it is my official weigh in day. Since I haven't been feeling great, I decided to weigh in today, just in case I choose not to go to the gym tomorrow. Again, I'm glad I went to the gym. Another four pounds gone and I am two pounds from reaching my goal.

The funny thing is that my weight read .10 pounds. And my first thought is "that's because I haven't pooped today yet and I ate two slices of pizza for lunch." True story. Forgive me if it's too graphic, but it is my blog. So, provided my calf is up to it, I hope to go back to the gym tomorrow when it's my official weigh in day and see what the scale says. Maybe it will tell me that I lost five pounds in October and I am one pound from my goal :)

1 comment:

Usemeplz said...

You are right, this is your blog and you just trying to do your best!! I know if person has the aim, she will surely do it!