12 October 2011

I went to a wedding this weekend and there was dancing, lots of dancing. But I don't dance and neither does Timmy. But just because I don't dance doesn't mean I wouldn't love the occasional slow dance at a wedding. It isn't even because I want to dance. It's because I want to dance with Timmy. I think it's the lingering 12 year old girl in me, the one who dreamed about dancing with that special boy. Now, I have that special boy and he doesn't dance. I can't really blame him. I don't dance either, but it makes me a little sad at weddings to see other people dancing and not us.

I was talking to my pastor about this yesterday while we painted the new kids min room. She asked if I told Timmy and I said no. What I am about to say is one of those "silly girl things" that ladies will laugh at and agree with me and men will squint their eyes and tilt their heads in confusion. I don't want Timmy to dance with me just because I asked him to. I don't want to dance that much. I want Timmy to want to dance with me. I told you. Silly girl thing.

But the real reason I don't press the dancing at weddings is that Timmy's great to me. He might not be into public displays of affection (and I'm not referring to the gross PDAs you're thinking) but I have no doubt in my mind and in my heart that this kid loves me. He shows me and tells me all the time. Why would I fret about one missed dance at a wedding when I am confidently secure in his love for me?

I'm thinking about this today because of something Timmy did last night that loved me in just the right way. I didn't get home last night until around 7pm. Timmy started work at 3pm, so I hadn't seem him all day. The plan was for me and Jessie to stop by the station after work, but since I was running a few hours late, I decided to stay home. Around 9:30pm, the phone rang. It was the boy asking me to open the front door. He was standing there. He was out and thought to stop by for a minute to say goodnight. And it meant so, so, so much to me. More than a dance could ever.

I think one of the keys to marriage or at least my marriage is to acknowledge these little moments of love. To see them for what they are and to hold onto them. I sometimes feel like women are just waiting for their husbands to make these grand gestures of love and romance. They don't get it and they feel discontent with their marriage. But they didn't see the love in the day to day. They didn't appreciate all the love in the little things.

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