25 October 2011

This weekend I did something I haven't done in a very long time. I went to Denny's on a Sunday at 10pm with some young single friends. It was like I was back in college, but I had a husband sitting next to me.

During this very late, very unhealthy dinner, my one friend received a text. She then said that so-and-so just had a DTR. In case you don't know what I am talking about - DTR stands for "defining the relationship." It's that talk between a guy and a girl, the "so what are we?" talk. DTR makes me laugh. I never heard this expression until a few years ago, long after I was married. My impression is that this expression is primarily used among the female population. I don't really see guys has saying, "I need to have a DTR soon."

This little moment got me thinking about my DTR with Timmy. It still makes me smile. I was sitting on his couch. We were holding hands. We had just starting holding hands maybe a week earlier and I had never held hands with boy before. So, it was a big deal for me. As a girl, I was pretty sure I knew what was going on with us but I needed to define the relationship. So, I looked at Timmy and asked "are you my boyfriend?" His response, "I sure hope so." Still makes me giggle because of how great it felt and how funny it was considering I was 25 and Timmy was 27. He-he.

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