02 May 2012

Day 2: Skyline

My challenge with this Photo a Day project is thinking outside the box. That's just not me really. Timmy is great at that. I loved, loved, loved his entry for "Circle" on April 29 and "Shadow" on April 7. So, this morning, I saw the word was "skyline."What do I think of? The skyline, duh. What else is there? As I drove home from the gym this morning, looking at my cloudy/rainy skyline, I thought - this is boring. I have to think outside the box. So, I asked myself, "WWTD?" No, not really, but I just had to say it :) What do I think of when I hear skyline besides the skyline and BOOM! it came to me. Chili! Anyone follow me?

For the last ten years, I have been surrounded by Columbus folk, people who claim that all great things come from Columbus. Apparently, that also includes Skyline chili. Never had it. Don't know if it's any good. Columbus people would say it's the best, but I think they are seriously biased. Not all great things come from Columbus. I mean, Peanut Chews are not from Columbus and they are seriously among the great things ever created. So, chili it is for tonight. Take a quick trip to the grocery trip and throw some stuff into the slow cooker. And now, I don't have to decide what to make for dinner or what photo I should take for the day.

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