01 May 2012

Day 1: Peace

It's hands down the most peaceful part of my day. I'm awake. The boy and the dog are not.  I'm having my breakfast and checking my computer before I head out to the gym, before I eventually head out to work. Most people would have a cup of coffee in their hands. I have a cup of slim fast vanilla milkshake. No, not trying to lose more weight, but I find it makes a good breakfast especially before I work out. Today was dreary, so the neighborhood was abnormally silent. It was nice. A little quiet, a little peace, before I start the day. 


e-orbin said...

I think this photo is so beautiful. I like that it's a wide view and I like that you have that little quiet time in the morning.

I'm so happy you're doing the challenge too! Now I can peer in on you and Tim and feel like I get to see you more often than I actually do.

Melissa said...

Thanks Emma. I'm enjoying this challenge too. Sometimes I'm just overwhelmed by thoughts so I decide just not to write anything down. Now, I'm forced to jot down a little thought. And it is fun to see the different perspectives on the same word.