12 May 2012

Day 10: A Favorite Word

This is a terrible picture for this word. However, my favorite photo of these two men is locked away in a safe. 

When I saw the phrase "a favorite word," the first word that came to mind was duty. It makes me chuckle everytime. Not because it reminds people of poop. There is something about the actual sound of the word that makes me laugh. But, I didn't know how to take a picture of duty, so I was just planning on skipping Day 10. 

Then this morning on Day 12, I thought of Timmy and his dad George. They have a sense of duty. They understand honor and respect. When the Towers fell, I was scared like most of other people. I knew this guy who wasn't the most patriotic. If another attack happened, he and his family had a plan as to how to get away safely. And if by chance, the country went to war and in some dramatic turn of events, drafted men, my friend was prepared to leave the country. I didn't want my friend to go to war or to get hurt, so I was okay with his plan. 

I can't remember how I first told Timmy about this story, but he looked at me and said, "if something happens again, I'm going to work." My stomach dropped a bit. I knew that if another attack happened or any scary crisis, my husband would not run in the opposite direction. Instead, he would head toward it and he would serve his country and his town. And so would George because Timmy gets this sense of duty, of responsibility, and honor from his dad. It scares me but it makes me even more proud. Which leads me to another favorite word of mine - Kaiser.

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