06 January 2007


Hey Everyone. It sure has been a while since I blogged. I haven't been very motivated. I haven't been very motivated to do anything really. Just being lazy, blaming it on the holidays. Technically the holidays are over, but thanks to a mid-January birthday, I get to extend the holidays. Timmy and I are still planning on going to NYC to celebrate my 27th. We just aren't sure how exactly. We want to be a little financially cautious since the last few months seemed to suck up so much of our money and we still want to head out to Columbus to visit the Crawfords.

So, what to say....

Do you know that show Inside the Actors Studio? I enjoy that show, when the right actor is on. Last night I watched a bit of it with Matt Damon. I love the last segment of the show when James Lipton asked his set list of questions:

1. What is your favorite word?
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What turns you on?
4. What turns you off?
5. What is your favorite curse word?
6. What sound or noise do you love?
7. What sound or noise do you hate?
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
9. What profession would you not like to do?
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

I'm never really sure how to answer those questions. And I think about it often. I mean, what will I tell Mr. Upton when I become a celebrity and get invited to the show! I don't know. Right now, the only one I do know is my favorite sound or noise: Timmy at home worshipping. At this moment, I'm laying on the couch and he's on the floor going through his set list for tomorrow. I hope that some day we will have a baby. I'm sure if that ever happens, our baby's laugh will be my favorite sound, but for now, I do love this one.


So, the last couple of days I have been on the hunt for Half Nelson. Most of you know about my celebrity crush on Ryan Gosling. Thankfully, my crush isn't entirely superficial since the guy has some really interesting movies. I've been looking forward to watching this one for a while, but I haven't seen it anywhere - theater or video store. So, yesterday I went to Blockbuster - nothing. Then today, I went to our local place, whose name I can't think of - again, nothing. I really want to see it, especially since it's getting that whole buzz thing. I hate looking for movies at the video store that have a lot of buzz because it can be impossible to track down, especially an independent like Half Nelson. Well, it seems that you can purchase it online and it is available through Nexflix. That would suggest to me that I should be able to rent it. He's gained enough commercial attention from The Notebook that the movie should be at the store. Even then, before The Notebook, you could find his other obscure, independent movies. Booooo. Where's Half Nelson?!?!?!?!?


Alright Timmy and I have a game plan. We're going to stop by his parents and borrow Pirates 2 and then we're going to pick up some Boston Market - ah, yes, a happening Saturday night indeed.

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