26 January 2007

Hockey Addendum:

I just talked to Nim, and the guy he tackled (who may or may not have been the guy who actually hit me, we're not positive) apparently got a hair-line fracture in his jaw and had a loose tooth that they ended up pulling. The best part? His mommy called the rink to complain about, "what kind of butcher league are you running?" The owner told her, "Is your son 18? Does he make his own decisions? Did he sign the waiver? Well, he's playing in a men's league, that's just what happens sometimes." Nice.

In other news, Nim also confirmed that the guy who hit me did, in fact, leave his feet when he crashed into me. One of the owners told him that it should have been a charging/boarding major at least, but since it happened away from the puck, the ref probably just wasn't paying attention. Good to know. Or something.


Ashlie Skidmore said...

what was that line... "street justice something something" that used to get said alot when patrick was around? seems like that applies here.

Anonymous said...

I hope that means the Jets/Sharks meeting planned for a few weeks is cancelled. I say things are even.

Timoteo said...

Hah. Good call, Ashlie. It was definitely the kind of street justice that God doesn't approve of. :)

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for a social sport that doesn't involve killing yourself or anyone else, curling is a lot safer, you know. Especially for 30-year-olds who think they're 20-year-olds...

Anonymous said...

summer sport: longboard polo.