23 January 2007

another sigh

I have gotten into the habit of watching The View in the mornings,mostly because I want to see what they will say that will piss me off. Probably not the best reason to watch a show, but I enjoy hearing these opinions. Today, I did two things while watching the show that I have never done before: 1 - I hit the couch in anger. 2 - I applauded in agreement.

The topic was a celebrity divorce that ended because he was unfaithful to her. Now they are both fighting for child custody. Elizabeth, the more conservative lady of the bunch, said that she believes that his decision to have an ongoing affair is reflective of how he is as a father. Basically she made a connection between his relationship with his wife and his relationship with his children. The other ladies were very opposed to this comment "his relationship with his wife has nothing to do with his relationship with his children." Insert Melissa hitting the couch in anger and yelling "that is a LOAD OF CRAP!" Personally, I feel is you have an affair you forfeit any right to child custody. You have no respect for your wife, your marriage, your children. You lack integrity, loyalty, commitment. You are selfish, with no concern for your consequences. I know its a strong opinion. The discussion on the show became very heated, mostly because all the ladies were trying to tell Elizabeth why she was wrong. Elizabeth was so passionate about this and was unwilling to budge. You could visibly see her getting upset. She has a lot to say about marriage today and how people don't take it seriously. In fact she went on a little rant to which I physically applauded her.

All of this made me again think - "i'm just too conservative." I could never sit at that View table. After a few days, I would want to pull out all my hair and slap all the women. Even Elizabeth who is the more conservative one, says things that make me go "huh?" Even among friends, I feel this way. I remember one night as Timmy and I left group, I told him, "I think I'm just too conservative." Another sigh.


Bridggymama said...

1. I love you
2. I can't watch the View because my toddler would learn bad bad language from mommy
3. go Elizabeth
4. I always feel like I'm the crazy conservative one in the crowd. At work sometimes I felt like the way off-the-deep-end-conservative-freak compared to my co-workers and occasionally my family thinks I live in a bubble because of various activities I do or do not participate in and comments I make about various subjects.
I'm with you Mel. We'll be conservative gals together ;)

Melissa said...

Thanks Chica. It's nice to know I'm not alone :)

Anonymous said...

I am a closet View watcher over here....I often get so so so upset with what the ladies say. One reason I watch is because I'm with a 2 1/2 yr. old and 6mos. old all day and it helps me think about more important issues besides things like elmo and babies spitting up. sigh.
Anyway, I often like hearing what Elisabeth has to say, but she will occasionally say something that gets me so mad only because she is supposed to be the conservative christian in the group.
i too often feel super conservative around others - especially my family. sigh.