15 November 2006

The Oprah Show

What did I learn today while watching The Oprah Show?

1 - The Oprah Show's electric bill is $65,000 a month. That's a lot of money.

2 - After giving birth, dogs eat the placenta. There's a chemical in them that stimulates milk production. Glad that's not the case for humans.


Anonymous said...

there is however a tradition in some families where the father will eat the placenta after the mother gives birth. its true. and kinda disturbing.

Melissa said...

Timmy's gonna love that!

Timoteo said...

Ummm..... eww.

Anonymous said...

So when Orca announces to the press and worldwide media that she’s donating 10,000 dollars to a certain charity, that’s the equivalent of me tooting my horn for dropping 30 bucks in the offering plate once a year. Hmmmm.