07 November 2006


NOTE: I don't know how comfortable I am publishing this entry. In fact, I am very uncomfortable. It would not surprise me if I delete this entry in the morning. However, this is something that has been on my mind today. I apologize if I misunderstood or offended anyone. But just remember, I'm totally messed up too.

It's been a long time since I have watched The View. I found the show entertaining in its early years, but I got tired of it. I watched it this morning. It was the first time I saw it with Rosie O'Donnell. I should start by saying - I loved The Rosie O'Donnell Show. I didn't watch it often because of the time it aired, but I watched it whenever I could. It was a fun show. She talked a lot about musicals; I like musicals. I've heard people say not nice things about her because of her political/moral views, but I never really heard them, so it didn't phase me. But now, she's on The View and the whole first 15 minutes of the show is an open forum for the ladies to say whatever they want. Usually I don't care what people say on tv, but today I was annoyed.

They talked about Ted Haggard. I wasn't bothered so much with their opinions (mostly Rosie's). It made me sad, but I could understand them. I can't expect people who don't have my worldview to view the world the way I do. I look at everything from the fundamental understanding that we are ALL broken, messed up, evil, completely lost, unless you let God in and let him change you. I am annoyed when I hear people say "because I was born this way, it's right." Or "if I feel this way, it's right." Um, no. I'm not going to say you weren't born this way or you don't feel this way or you don't believe this way. What I am going to say, is just because you were born, feel, or believe a certain way, doesn't mean its right. Because I go back to my original statement: we are all messed up. Since I start with that understanding and lots of people don't, I am not as harsh when people say certain things, especially about the church. Makes me sad, but I'm not always annoyed or angered. Today, I was.

What bothered me today was attitude. It was the way the topic was presented. There was a tone in the voice that I heard as "Ha. Ha. Gotcha. Look at you fall." It felt like she was relishing in this situation. Again, I can understand that this man was vocally strongly opposed to a cause that is as close to her as any. But still, this was gloating. This was rejoicing. And it left a strong distaste in my mouth.

I hope I heard her incorrectly. I hope it was her comedic tone that sounded harsh to me. Like when Timmy makes a comment and it sounds harsher because of his sarcasm. I hope she wasn't happy that this man fell: that his marriage and his career are in jeopardy, that his faith is shaken, and not only his, but the thousands of people who looked up to him. I try to put myself in that situation: a horrible sexual scandal coming out in my church, with Mark or even with Patrick. I know they are only human, but I think my heart would break. I would hate the thought of people rejoicing in that pain.

Again, I hope I misunderstood.


Anonymous said...

Melissa, I think your comment was extreamly appropriate and I completely agree with you. Very well said.


Anonymous said...

i don't think you misunderstood, i think you hit the nail on the head. ever since she's started on the show, it's been one angry anti-christian, pro her lifestyle, etc... every day. too bad - it's supposed to be about celebrities (to me anyway), not cnn!