Her name is Jessie. We adopted her Tuesday afternoon from the SCPA in Georgetown, DE. She is a rottweiller/shepherd mix. They think she is between 8-12 months old and don't expect her to be get much bigger. She's between 35-40lbs.
We'll tell you more about her and how she came to join our little family later when we have time to blog the new pictures. In the meantime, these are the pictures from the SPCA site that made us take a two hour trip to "visit" a dog.
oh how exciting. :)
now you dont have to listen to tim whine about a not having a dog anymore ;)
Jessiechop is an awesome dog - good choice. You'll have to schedule some play dates with Cleo to pick up some good habits. (Even if you think Cleo's a non-dog, you have to admit she's a well-behaved non-dog.)
Play dates for Jessie to pick up some good habits, that is... I mean, you could personally learn to fuss at the front door when you have to go to the bathroom, and figure out where the boundaries are so you don't go running out the yard, but that would be a little weird.
Ness - That's right, now she can hear me whine about having to walk the dog in the pouring rain or having to wake up a half hour earlier for work so I can walk the dog first. :)
Andy - I guess if my choices for a role model are either Chester or Cleo, I would have to go with Pee-Flo.
Actually I think you should proceed with your little initials there and go baby next THEN yard :) really if you can have a dog with that small space a baby doesn't need that much room until they can crawl ;)
congrats on the doggie
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