09 July 2007

I'm Ridiculous.

This bug season has been horrible. I was so excited last week when all the bites on my feet starting healing up. However, just as they were healing, we got a dog who needs/likes to walk several times a day including in the evening. It was so bad yesterday. Benadryl isn't working, or maybe, I'm just weak, or maybe I'm really sensitive. Growing up, I was told that the bugs like latin blood. Whatever it is, I have all these bites and all these welts over my legs and arms. Thankfully, not all the bites are agitated. I can see lots of bites that aren't bothering me. It was so bad yesterday that I decided the only way for them to get better is for me to cover all of them up with bandaids. Bandaids are fine when there's one bite rubbing against your sandal. One bandaid isn't ridiculous, even two bandaids aren't ridiculous. I have nine bandaids on: four on my left leg, four on my right, and one on my arm. And again, these are the ones that are driving me crazy and I can't resist scratching them.

Also riduculous - my nasty looking burn on my arm, next to my bandaid. How did I burn my arm? On the George Foreman grill. On this little countertop grill. Sigh. I'm a mess right now.

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