19 October 2006

More Goodness From My Friends At DELL

So a couple weeks ago, I went to sign onto my laptop here and it informed me that my profile had been deleted or some such nonsense. I was slightly annoyed, but after rearranging my desktop and repopulating my bookmark list on Firefox, I felt like I was back in service. Fast forward to this morning and I went to look up a song on my iTunes that I'd been thinking about last night. All of my music is gone. Probably about 30 songs that I'd purchased, but also all of my CD's that I spent who knows how long ripping into iTunes over the course of the past year. Snarl. I don't suppose I need to say anything more about how aggravating this revelation is. So, once again, dude.... don't get a Dell.


Anonymous said...

I hear that you can get iTunes to let you re-download stuff that you've purchased from the store, on a sort of "one time" basis, if you call them.

Anonymous said...

One word: MacBook.

Timoteo said...

Alright, you buy and I'll fly. Christmas is coming?

Melissa said...

I agree Andy. And I agree Timmy :)