31 October 2006

a latin thang

This afternoon my cold went to my head. You know, the whole pressure thing - headache, slightly off balance thing. So, I wimpered and asked Timmy to make me some soup. I smiled and told him "I feel pathetic." He smiled and agreed, "You're not a good sick person." He goes to make my soup and I feel so icky, I start crying. Yes, I know, for you latin people reading this blog, I agree, "changa." It's true. The true test of that was when Timmy left for work, I checked my temperature - 101.1. I want to call Timmy but I know he won't sympathize with me. So what do I do - I call mami. Because mami cares that her little girl is sick. Even though, she will laugh at me and call me changa too. While in the shower, I realize what this night really needs - Little Women. I haven't watched my happy movie since last December. I guess I have been pretty happy until tonight that is - tonight, I just Timmy to put his nice cold hands on my forehead and I want my mama to make me some sopa de fideos

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