31 October 2006


I'm sick. I worked 70 hours last week and most of that time I was on my feet. My body ached. I had blisters on my feet. I could hardly think or speak straight because of the exhaustion. I was so looking forward to Monday when I could just rest and hang out with Timmy. Instead, I woke up sick and spent the day lying on the couch with a box of tissues beside me. NyQuil worked for part of last night, but I had to wake up in the middle of the night to take some more. Unfortunately, that little lapse of time was enough to drive my poor husband out of the bed and onto the couch - dito. Thankfully, Tindall said I could take a few days off to recover from the conference. So, I'm not going to go in today. We'll see how I am feeling tomorrow.

Oh, yeah, and Marti ate mold.


Timoteo said...

Marti ate mold twice.

Melissa said...

Tis true. Actually Marti drank mold once and then ate mold the other time.