I do. I think they're so clever. I love my gmail account, and they have given me another reason to love them even more. Presenting Gmail paper!! Just by clicking a button, I can request Gmail to send me a hardcopy of my email. There is no limit to how many I request and there is no cost because they print ads on the back of the paper. They'll even print photo attachments, but I don't really care about that.
Now, why am I so excited about this? Because for almost two years now, I have been telling myself, "I need to get myself organized someday and print out all those early emails between me and Timmy." Remember that our relationship started one night when I couldn't fall asleep, so I sent this seeming nice guy from small group a really long, really random email and then he replied with an equally long and equally random email. The rest is history, but many of those early memories are saved in my mrolon gmail account. I have wanted to print them out, bind them, and save them beside my years of journals. Then our great-grandbabies can read about their how great-grandparents started to get to know each and fell in love. This is going to be so exciting if it actually works as well as they say. But how couldn't it - I mean, it is google!!
Now, I just need to figure out how to get all my IM conversations printed - gotta love mac which automatically saves IM conversations!! Maybe I'll just email them to myself and have Gmail send them to me too :)
hey melissa... sorry to be the bearer...but it was an April Fools joke... there is a story on foxnews.com and cnn.com
I know. It's so sad. Timmy and I were listening to Barsky this morning and it occurred to me, "was that a joke?" I was really sad. I'm still sad. I'm going to have to just suck it up and pay to print out my emails - sigh. But I still love those google guys.
Next thing you know you'll be wanting to sign up for too...
Gah! I hate it when Blogspot screws up links in comments! Lets try it again: Google TiSP
I can be super gullible but even that sounds whack to me.
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