19 April 2007

Separated At Birth?

I don't care who you are or where you're from... this girl looks like Shrek, and that's all there is to it.


Anonymous said...

hmmm, so are you admitting to watching the show??? you just blew your cover. did you cry last night when Sanjaya was voted off...?

Timoteo said...

Hey, I live with Melissa - American Idol is one of the least of the evils I'm forced to endure on television. I'll take Sanjaya over Rosie O'Donnell and "The View" any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

ah, you do have a good point. you should run out the room screaming ever time Rosie comes on. eventually Melissa might get the hint that Rosie should not be watched. being offended or pissed off on a regular basis by her can't be good for your health.

Timoteo said...

I've tried putting my earphones in and listening to music while it's on, but she hasn't seem to be affected yet. :)

Anonymous said...

put the earphones on her.

Anonymous said...

tim. good point. i can see the resemblace (and i also cannot spell.) and for melissa. xanga just added a new feature. you do no need tohave an account to leave comments anymore. just thought i'd let you know :)