04 March 2007


Today Gracie A. made me smile. She makes me smile a lot but today was especially cute. For those of you who don't know Grace, she is the 2 year old daughter of friends from church. I call her my office buddy because after church on Sundays, she hangs out with me in my office while I am preparing my tithe deposit. We have developed another little ritual. The first Sunday of the month is our communion Sunday at church. For the last three communions, Gracie and I drink all the leftover little cups of grape juice, eat some of the leftover Matzos crackers, and clean up the elements when we are done. It's pretty funny: we sit up on the stage or rather I sit and she stands and we pop shot after shot of juice and then stack up the little cups. Cute.

Today, Timmy led worship, so ministry time went a little longer than usual - no complaints on my part :) I sat in the back as a few people lingered in the sanctuary while others got prayer. Gracie walked over to me and said "apple juice" pointing toward the stage. I smiled and told her that we had to wait until everyone was done. She said apple juice again and I assured her that when everyone was done, when he stopped and I pointed to Timmy, we would do it. She pointed to Timmy and I said something I couldn't quite understand, but I could tell she was just confirming what I had just told her. She got quiet and sat next to me.

She sat there for a 2 or 3 songs, looking at the bulletin, asking me the names of various people, pointing out her mom and her sister for me. As soon as Timmy stopped strumming and I mean as soon as he stopped, she looked at me and said "all done." I had to laugh, "okay, let's go." We drank our juice, ate some crackers, stacked our cups, and with no prompting she grabbed the basket of crackers and proceeded to leave the sanctuary (the cleaning up process). She was a little faster than I was since I had to grab the other supplies. When I got downstairs, she was waiting outside the kitchen, looking back for me. She is too cute and so smart. What a great age! Of course, I'm sure she has her moments :) For now, I will enjoy her and the other children around me. They will satisfy any baby itch I may develop.


Anonymous said...

I saw her up there with you and thought that was so cute. I didn't know that this has become your little ritual. It's so cool to see such little kids helping out. I know that it makes them feel good and useful to feel like they are helping out adults, but sometimes it's amazing to me what they can do at such a young age.

My last meaningful interaction with Gracie (the Sunday before) was when she wet her pants and started to take them off in the sanctuary. Tim knows what I'm talking about... he was there the whole time and didn't move to help. ; )

Timoteo said...

Ignorance is bliss, Kris.

Anonymous said...

what a great post melissa :) i love my grace so much but because i'm with her ALL the time it's sometimes for me to see her the way others do. it was great to see her through your eyes.

and kris, when i was told that she pulled her pants down in the service, i couldn't stop laughing. that is just so funny! i wonder how many people noticed?