01 March 2007

Happy Birthday!

I want to send out two very special birthday shout-outs! Today Mark-Paul Gosselaar turns 33 years old. During my elementary and middle school years, I developed a little obsession on the boy who played Zack Morris. I would later in my life call him "my great obsession."

When I was sixteen, I met another boy. This time he was a real boy, as opposed to a celebrity boy. For the summers of 96 and 97, Mike Costello was the lifeguard at my apartment complex pool. I affectionately still refer to him as "my lifeguard" and consider him to be "the greatest crush of my life." I'm sure you can imagine my reaction when I learned that Mike's birthday was March 1, the same as Mark-Paul's. It's kismet! Destiny! Fate! It was meant to be!

When it became clear that, in fact, Mike and I were not meant to be, I was convinced that the man who was meant to be would share the same birthday as the two men who consumed my adolescent and teenage years. Again, I was wrong. Timmy's birthday is August 23. However, when I looked at March 1, I smile when I think of how similar it looks to March 11. Less than two weeks away - can you believe it!

So, Happy 33rd birthday, Mark-Paul, and Happy 29th birthday, Mike. I'm glad the both of you were part of my life but am even more glad that I didn't marry either of you :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tim -
1) Enough with your teenage obsessions
2) You never lived in an apartment with a swimming pool and
3) Stop signing your blog entries with Melissa's name.
