25 May 2006

Strange Sounds From Below

The downstairs neighbors have been playing their stereo entirely too loudly more and more lately. The thing that makes this even more interesting/baffling/funny is that the past two days the music has taken a distinctively.... Jesus-y tone. I know, right?

Yesterday, Missy and I had just gotten home from a brief attempt at playing tennis (on a day that turned out to be too windy.) I was taking off my sneakers when the stereo started. What was it? "Mary Did You Know," as performed by (what I'm assuming was) John Tesh. Okay, weird. The next song sounded like some sort of southern baptist gospel jam. Weirder. Then the third song was "Amazing Love", which is one of the songs I'm playing in church on Sunday morning. Weirdest. Well, weirdest until this afternoon, anyway.

I was getting ready for work when the bass thumping began again. I jokingly went out and told Melissa that she should be more considerate and not play her stereo so loudly. (She was watching TV.) I couldn't really hear what the music was at that point, though. Not until several minutes later did Melissa realize that we were being treated to DC Talk's "Jesus Freak" album. Oh. Oh my.

Needless to say, if we hear the windows rattling over the blare of Sandi Patti tomorrow, I may require professional counseling. We'll see.


Melissa said...

After Timmy went to work, the music went to pure gospel: Joyful, Joyful; Lord, I Lift Your Name on High; Long as I Got King Jesus. At times, it seems like our neighbors have tapped into my !Tunes.

Funny thing is that just on Tuesday I was speaking to Anna about our neighbor situation and she said "wouldn't it be funny if they were Christians."

Anonymous said...

Well guys, that is an interesting development, isn't it?
(BTW, that's a quote from James Woods in 'Contact')
Keep praying, God continues to work in some pretty cool (read:strange) ways.

luke said...

depending on the selections, i think i'd rather hear loud heavy metal or even (gasp) pop diva's blasted through the floor than some christian music. but thats just me.

and if they are already christians, then that means you dont have to worry about evangelizing them, which means it doesnt matter so much how you act around them.

Anonymous said...

Luke, are you kidding me??? It seems to me it matters very much how we "act" around them.
(Sorry Timmy, but that one we couldn't let slip by)

Timoteo said...

i·ro·ny (N)

1. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
2. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.
3. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect.

Anonymous said...

Mary and George, In answer to your question:
Yes. Yes I am.

Anonymous said...

OK,OK, we have failed to realize that any friend of Timmy can't have a serious bone in their frame, our bad that we failed to connect you with that trait Luke. In the future, we will take all comments with the proverbial grain of salt.

Anonymous said...

No problem at all, honored parents of said Timmy. Besides, I'm a Christian too, so it doesn't matter how you treat me either.

Anonymous said...

OK, equally honored Luke. Seeing how you posted your reply at 0627 this morning, one wonders why you're checking Tims blog at that hour, or even why I am? Perhaps we are trtying to perpetuate this until it does start to stink?
Fact is, what was the original subject of Tims post? Oh yeah, music. Well, have a great day at the Vineyard, Christian Luke. And enjoy the music ;)