03 May 2006

It's Official!!

Today, I got a letter from the Social Security office that I should be receiving my new social security card in about two weeks. And the letter was addressed to Melissa Kaiser - that makes me official - woo hoo!! Just to clarify, I wasn't hesitating about the name change; I have always looked forward to changing my name when I got married. I love the thought of fully embracing my husband and becoming completely his, even in name. But I was just being lazy because I can be really lazy sometimes.

In similar news, Timmy got a summons for jury duty. Those were the only two pieces of mail we got today and they were both exciting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, holy crap. For a moment, I thought Tim wrote that - and I was saying to myself, "oh crap. Tim changed HIS name? That's hardcore."

Still cool though. Congrats, ye whom I haven't met.