22 March 2010

A New Decade

In January, I turned 30. It's weird to think I'm thirty. I'm an adult, but I don't feel like an adult. Then again, I don't feel like a kid either. I feel like...me. I just feel like I've always felt. From the inside, I feel the same. It's from the outside world that I'm different. When I tell someone that I am thirty, they expect something from me: certain behavior, certain actions. I used to feel that way, but now, not so much. When I think of people older than me, I think they might feel the same way I do. They don't feel old. They don't feel like an adult. They're probably wondering how they ended up with four kids and a mortgage. I have a mortgage and I'm not sure how that happened. And this is the decade for me to have children and I'm kinda wigged out by that. And don't get me wrong, I want it all. I just thought I'd feel different.

No matter what happens though. I'm looking forward to this decade. I'm excited to see all that God does and all that he has for me and Timmy.

Lord, I thank you for my life. You've been so good to me. And I ask for more of you this decade. Because all I could really want for me and my family is more of you.

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