Yesterday morning, a good friend of mine sent me a message via Google chat. It was a simple prayer, a blessing for the day ahead. In that moment, I appreciated it. Knowing that my husband and I would be taking a serious look at our finances, I had a feeling that it was going to be a rough day. I replied to his message with a similar blessing. Then I changed my mind. I told him, “Instead, how about I pray that we would both see the many blessings God has already given us?”
The day was a rough day as I expected it to be. That night as I got ready for bed, my head throbbing from the tears shed, I remembered that prayer. Actually I didn’t remember that prayer so much as I remembered someone else, another family. One of the things about working for the church is I see things most people don’t see. Most likely you come to church on Sunday morning and see a bunch of smiling faces. During the week, I see many faces that aren’t smiling – people who are scared, people who are lonely, people who don’t know how they are going to make rent, people who don’t have money for food. Simple things that I never think about. I may have a hard time buying a house, but I never worry about rent, about food, about health insurance.
While writing this entry, I answered a call at the church office: it was a young woman asking if we helped with food. We get these kinds of calls often, from people in our church and from people in our community. A lot of the times we can help and it’s because of your generosity. There’s a Generosity Box that sits between the sound booth and the doors in the sanctuary. It’s a way to offer a gift to the poor. Many of you give faithfully. Many of you give generously. I thank all of you who do. It’s because of you and your giving that we can help people when they call us. A special thanks to all of you who gave this weekend. I know it was a blessing to the family who received your gift.
Remember - you’re not just giving to a box: you are giving to real people with real needs.
I’ll see you Sunday.
Thanks Thomas for your help :)
1 comment:
i really liked the txt this week... good stuff to think on.
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