16 December 2005

Instant Oatmeal

I need one and a half instant oatmeal packets. Every time I venture into the kitchen and decide on instant oatmeal, I face a dilemna: do I make one packet and still feel hungry when I'm through, or do I make two packets and feel like I'm going to ralph as I eat those last 5 or 6 spoonfuls that have gotten thick and tepid by the time I get to them? The logical solution is to eat one and a half packets, but I worry that if I leave the other half of the packet in the box that it won't be sealed tightly enough and next time I go to get myself some oatmeal, it will be spilled all over the place. That would be bad. And so the search for answers goes on.


luke said...

yesterday i was making instant oatmeal from a big cardboard tube, not packets, but indeed i used 150% of the oats and water reccomended for a 1 bowl microwave serving.

Timoteo said...

A big cardboard tube! BRILLIANT! (That was supposed to "sound" like the guiness commercials. So you know.)