22 May 2007


Is that enough forewarning? If you haven't watched the Heroes finale yet, but plan to, don't read on.





Okay, so I started to reply to Ashlie's question of "what exactly didn't you like" about the Heroes finale as a comment, but it turned out to be too long, so it's now going to be a post of it's own. Please excuse my insane ramblings about a television program.

First off I thought the whole deal with Nathan flying Peter into space to explode was stupid. The point of Claire shooting him in the back of the head was that he wouldn't be able to regenerate, thus preventing him from going nuclear again as he obviously couldn't control that particular power. If Nathan picked him up and flew him high into the stratosphere and then he blew up, it would (theoretically) kill Nathan but Peter would survive, fall back to earth and be able to explode again. So what's the point? It makes no sense.

Also I felt like Sylar "died" too easily. They build this guy up all season as being the ultimate bad guy and then he basically lays down and dies with very little fight. I guess I maybe just wanted something a little bit more sensational. Something more like the fighting done in the "future" between Peter and Sylar.

The little allusion at the end that Sylar either crawled or was dragged down the manhole was pretty stupid too. Was everyone so preoccupied with Nathan and Peter's actions that they neglected to notice that their arch villain's body disappeared whilst they stood around hugging and giving each other knowing smiles?

I don't know, I just felt that the whole ending was somewhat contrived and an unfitting end to what was otherwise a season filled with buildup and mystery. Plus it was basically like any movie nowadays where it "ends" but leaves almost every storyline wide open for a sequel. Nathan can come back and just say he let go of Peter and flew off before he exploded. Sylar (or Sylar's evil blood, if you ask Melissa) can come back and try to take over the world again. Peter can regenerate and go out into the desert somewhere to try and gain control of his nuclear power.

That's mostly what I didn't like about the finale. Now you know.

Oh, and Parkman got shot 5 times in the chest & abdomen. He would most likely be dead. There are too many vital organs for every bullet to somehow avoid hitting something. Medically speaking. But hey, stupider things than that happen on Grey's Anatomy on a regular basis.


Ashlie Skidmore said...

hmmm... i don't disagree, i guess i just don't feel as strongly...

that's a good idea - evil blood - it kind of looked like an alien tentacle... but i expected something to end with him when the little girl alludes to a "badder" guy that we haven't met yet ...

and we don't know that parkman lived - i assumed he died - at least he looked dead - but i suppose some hero will turn up with healing powers like linderman or something if he's returning for next season (which i thought he was based on 1 interview i read)

i'd be okay if nathan exploded and didn't return next season -although peter annoys me too.

Timoteo said...

Yeah, Melissa said something about reading an interview with the writer and he said that everyone on the show knows that they could die at any time and blah blah blah, but I don't see them killing Peter or Nathan, really. They seem too integral into the fabric of the show.

Of course, the possibility exists that if this whole next chapter is "Origins" maybe the other actors weren't going to necessarily be in the show next season anyway. Maybe this will be the "prequel" like the crappy Star Wars episodes 1 thru 3 and we can expect an even more annoying, petulant teenager to play a young Peter Petrelli.

I'll probably give the show one more chance. I'll just be cynical and snarky when I watch it like I was with Grey's Anatomy this season.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what everyone's talking about – i didn't think that the ending was contrived. A little anti-climatic compared to the last couple episodes, yeah, but I thought that it was a well thought-out way to end things for now.

After all, Heroes is about regular people with irregular powers – it's perfectly reasonable for Claire to not want to shoot her uncle in the head.

Still, after all that, I hear you on it being not really as fulfilling as it could have been.

I'll keep watching it, but just because I'm affixed with the characters. They're a lot more believable than anything else that's been on TV recently in years.